I’ve caught another gremlin in my quest to figure out what is good and bad in the world of 10.5 – none of my software registrations moved over and some apps don’t like where my keychain is. Now this is a pain in the ass (so if you are still planning on upgrading, be sure to have all your serials close at hand), but the mushrooms that have grown from this – at least one of them – is that Aperture on my old 64MB powered G5 is really much faster.
Mushroom fodder
There is no way I’m upgrading until 2008. You early adopters are insane.
Well, we are a special crowd Ed, but then again, someone has got to lead the way.
I must admit I was kicking myself for a while there for jumping in fast, but after shaking off some of the dusty installers, things are almost back to speed. I can say that it’s really been worth it for my old PowerMac and after I find my FC Serials, things should be okey dokey.
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