Over the last few days, I picked up a couple of SD cards, one for the photo frame that I got for Christmas and the second for the Wii that I hope to some day get. While I was hunting for these cards (London drugs had them on for $20/GB) I noticed that there were Wii branded cards from Sandisc and others. So I was wondering if they had anything special about them. A quick check on the interweb revealed that they do nothing. I was thinking as much, but at the end of the day, they suggest the smallest card to get is 512 and on average 1GB. Something to think about when you are looking for memory. There isn’t anything special on any memory card that is branded out there – other than maybe having some utility software on them. Why? Because the devices that use them will all be able to format them to whatever they need them to be.
Wii Cards
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