Tag: (Ubiquitous) Computing

  • Ready for mobile? If you want to have lifetime (24/7) learners, you need lifetime (24/7) teachers

    EduCause has an interesting article available – it’s long, so here are some carefully stolen points: To keep up with this changing phenomenon and to effectively facilitate mobile learning, argued Sharma and Kitchens, it is imperative that instructors learn about and adapt to the changing environments, when and where appropriate. Naismith et al. (S. K.…

  • iPhone is now free to everyone – Internationally on any GSM system

    Of course, this is a hack by these folks and it means that you’ve technically been a bad boy or girl by hacking the phone, but it also means that you will be able to use the basic phone features on any network anywhere… forget about Orange, O2 and T-Mobile being the only international carriers…

  • Minority Report Commeth

    A few months ago, I wrote about Bumptop and Han’s work and now (via D’Arcy) comes Microsoft Surface. If these two interfaces get together, things could really change for how computers are used and could fast track even greater penetration of ubiquitous computing.

  • Ideas of surveillance

    +++This post started out on my phone and has been trapped in the back end of my database for the weekend – I’ll come back to it when I have time+++ Friday, I took in this really interesting lecture by Meyrowitz, as well as a small panel afterward, who talked about how reality and it’s…

  • Connectedness Foodchain

    This is an interesting find from C|Net who wrote a bit on the PEW Study that found that there are three major types of adult technology users in the US. I would think that, at least for North Atlantic users, this information is the same for other countries as well. If you need more proof…