Tag: TED

  • If we want kids to grow up digital, it might mean

    … that, like the Millennials in this report (RWW) who are often successfully dictating to their IT departments what type of technology they want to make use of to communicate for business (often in ways that are similar to those used for pleasure). This new generation of employee seems to have little regard to privacy…

  • Generations of Media, SNS and the Ballot

    I last wrote about Shirky in November, and now I’ve spotted a TED talk from his as well. This one was just recorded and addresses how social networks are changing patterns of communication and how those networks are perhaps able to if not shake the Earth, at least report it. Right now, Twitter is going…

  • Stuart Brown on Play

    What is it about “modern society” that so strongly believes that play is merely infantile? Stuart Brown presents an amazing talk on play and how it seems to be a natural extension of any intelligence. It seems to be the extension of some work ethic gone mad that “we” need some reason to do something,…

  • Scott McCloud on Comics

    If you have 20 minutes, take a look at this TED talk on comics. It is interesting how he explains how comics gain their power – channeling all elements through the visual media that they use. It is really interesting how he takes a look at how ancient glyphs worked and how the first CDs…

  • Everything from Kinder

    If you have time, take a look at Alan Kay‘s 20 talk at TED. He uses etoys in the video and shows how many of us, especially in higher ed (my 2 bits) make things more complex than we need to in order to get anything done when it comes to teaching students. Starting with…