Tag: Technology Integration

  • Oh nice… your family has a Grandfather Computer

    Reading this NYT article, it certainly seems that the day will be shortly upon us when one might expect to hear that, desktop PCs, at least in the home will be antiques that a few know how to build and a few more know how to setup. The rest of us will see them as…

  • Photo and Audio merge in the cloud

    Aviary, a cool online image editor/creator has picked up DigiMix. These, together with Jaycut or Jumpcut (now owned by Yahoo!), it seems that there is no longer a need for schools to invest in these basic editors.

  • TLRP – TEL – Education 2.0

    Teaching and Learning Research Programme – Technology Enhanced Learning is a group out of the UK that has put out an article that looks at the uses of technology, specifically web2.0 in education to arrive at Education 2.0. Some of the points that this report brings to the forefront are: it is never only a…

  • Maybe this is why they don’t get it

    I caught this off RWW (There is a fee for the report, so I’m copying from the post) – a potential explanation of what one of the reasons might be for the gap between older, established instructors and their young “whipper snapper” students, at least when it comes to social media (and I would think…

  • Classrooms, territory and personal electronics

    This morning, I came across a rather interesting post from Doug Clark on the anatomy of a classroom. In the post he talked about personal space and technology, among many other interesting observations about why the box that is the “modern” classroom is seemingly failing ever more. The first point is about personal space: Classrooms…