Tag: Social Networking

  • Activity Pub Test

    Will this work the way that I think it will? We’ll have to see…

  • Our Social Orbits

    Over the weekend, it struck me once again that people really don’t pay attention to LinkedIn. Why? Because often people are on the service so that they can be seen, but they aren’t really doing anything there. The people who they connect to there are perhaps the equivalent of “single serving friends”. You need them…

  • My 2011 Predictions

    Well 2010 was certainly an eye opening ride for me, moving between institutions not of my own will and looking to a future that may or may not include academia. But for all that, it has provided me with yet another way of looking at technology and the way that it is used to educate…

  • Kiking the tires, thinking about Titan and the three desires

    You might remember, a few weeks back, Facebook came out with news on the new messaging service that it wants to roll out – Project Titan. Not the email killer that many thought it would be, many people seemed to be puzzled about what (and why) Facebook was expending its energy on (sounds like Wave…

  • Four Weeks on Foursquare

    Getting back from the winter break, I had heard quite a bit about a social media game called Foursqaure. I had seen some activity from the game in my Twitter feed toward the end of 2009. But just as I returned from vacation, I spotted this on Mashable, so thinking if it is good for…