Tag: Reading

  • Comics in Education

    I’ve been a fan of Larry Gonick since I found one of his books many moons ago. So when a colleague of mine, who was trying to use comics in Science education was let go at the end of 2008, I was rather disheartened because I was really keen on working on the project. But…

  • Gamers are readers

    About a month ago, there was some interest in the activities of libraries in New York surrounding their hosting of gaming tournaments. So when I spotted this on Research Quest, I thought it would be a natural follow up. If you want to cut right to the chase – check out the wiki that has…

  • NYT – Libraries, Games and Reading

    The NYT has an interesting article that brushes the two sides of the “games can increase reading/literacy” idea that many authors like James Paul Gee advocate. The article looks at examples such as Haarsma’s Rings of Orbis that requires players to use knowledge gleaned from the books to be able to advance in the game…

  • Another look at reading

    It seems that reading is the theme of the day. SLJ looks at this NEA document on the decline of reading.

  • Peer respect or timeliness, which is bigger in reading?

    A Computerworld article claims that cell phones (well, participatory media) could be a savior for books, claiming that kids don’t like mass media because they are alienated from it’s production. Well, that might be the case, but I don’t think it has anything to do with a disconnect with production or valuing the work of…