Tag: PEW

  • Extending my ISSOTL thoughts

    Am I ever glad I copied this before I posted: Emerging from ISSOTL, I had some time on the train, so I took advantage of one of the apps that I just downloaded – Viigo – to read some of my feeds while I was waiting/riding. A few articles caught my attention and so this…

  • Growing up Gaming

    Let’s start with this: There is an interesting message here, there are likely many people out there who think like this – people for whom the ideas from the Matrix are not really that far fetched. But the take home message is that we have come to a point that games have matured to a…

  • Interweb is Gender Shifting

    It looks like the ‘net is starting to shift its balance to being more female heavy as opposed to male heavy in terms of users. This according to a PEW study that is also discussed here on the Times Online, giving it a bit of a British bend. The back end of the web continues…

  • Connectedness Foodchain

    This is an interesting find from C|Net who wrote a bit on the PEW Study that found that there are three major types of adult technology users in the US. I would think that, at least for North Atlantic users, this information is the same for other countries as well. If you need more proof…

  • Saturday keynote

    Are students different because they have access to technology – researchers don’t know because there is no demographic data. Pew and a few others do – but Market Researchers have it all. (like the Google Book). Online learning is leveling the playing field. China is moving forward very quickly – trying for 1%, that means…