Tag: Personal Electronics
Free Drobo Please
I guess this is one way you build a link farm, you can have all manner of people link to you so they have a chance at a free Drobo – so I guess I’m game for now – MYDL.ME.
AppleTV sales boom
It seems that I caught the wave of a boom in AppleTV sales (which explains why they were hard to find as well). I agree with ATVHacks that it might have something to do with people staying home and Boxee/XBMC, but I think there is another factor. The easy of hackability and integration into a…
Get used to buggy phones?
Mr. Balsillie said such scrambles [to get the Storm out for Black Friday]– and the subsequent software glitches that need to be fixed — are part of the “new reality” of making complex cellphones in large volumes (WSJ). For some reason, I don’t think this is really the case – I can certainly accept that…
Obama and his fruit
Well it seems that Obama will be able to keep his Blackberry, and now is wondering where the Macs are in the US government. It seems to me that in his new-found uber-celebrity, Obama, by merely indicating his preferences in an unsolicited fashion, preference for just about anything is the best advertising that a company…
Zii – Stem Cell Computing
Another pass on from a colleague this morning – Zii is a new processor that uses the ideas or theme (at best) of stem cells to configure different types of processors as needed. It certainly is an interesting idea, and it it comes to fruition, it will certainly put old Creative Labs back ont the…