Tag: Moodle

  • How (if barely) Moodle is Web2.0 and others are still 1.0

    Today my takeaway idea came from two amazing keynotes and snack/lunch talks – that even though Moodle might be a packaged as a service by some corporation or a self hosted/supported service, there is one thing that will keep it separate from propriety LMSs. Moodle can be modified without having to worry about what the…

  • Moodle – the wave is about to break

    Well, conference sessions being what they often are, today’s Canadian MoodleMoot was a productive day for me – not in a bunch of stuff that I can take home and use right away, but an interesting (correct or not) collection of thoughts as to where Moodle might go from here as it comes up on…

  • Using Moodle, The Book…?

    If you are still reading manuals “old school”, there is a print (Jason Cole and Helen Foster, O’Rielly) version as well, but the latest version of the Using Moodle book is online (and likely has been for a month… but what work gets done is December right?).

  • Bad Moodlerooms

    Well, I was hoping to take in the session today from Moodlerooms about “Online Strategies and Best Practices”, but it seems that the webcast service that they use has only limited support for Mac. Bad bad bad… why would an open source based company use a closed (Real Player to boot) system for it’s webcast?…