Tag: Millenials

  • Interweb is Gender Shifting

    It looks like the ‘net is starting to shift its balance to being more female heavy as opposed to male heavy in terms of users. This according to a PEW study that is also discussed here on the Times Online, giving it a bit of a British bend. The back end of the web continues…

  • The Millenials (nee Google) Generation may not really be Digital Natives afterall

    Ars, not usually a place to look for reviews for things other than technology posted this report out of the UK about the Google Generation. Essentially… they are not the computer gods that the generations before them are fearing them to be. I’m thinking Ars is chuckling about this in a way, maintaining some level…

  • American (perhaps North American) kids are not even close

    According to a report released by SETDA and ISTE (summarized by THE), there are a number of points that should be addressed. I’ll comment on then as how I see Alberta and the U of A (in Science) might be handling this. First: Even if all students mastered core academic subjects, they still would be…

  • Match the locals

    The old saying “When in Rome… do as the Romans” seems to have borne fruit again – From the current Innovations – Kavita Rao – Distance Learning in Micronesia: Participants’ Experiences in a Virtual Classroom Using Synchronous Technologies: Researchers also note that instructional design should be based on an understanding of the cultural modes and…

  • A problem with portfolios

    I was in a web conference this afternoon on eportfolios and felt like more of a sell job than anything else and it was doing everything wrong in terms of presentation. But through the fuzz of boredom, I thought of something that is by far the bigger issue to overcome. ….grr… wireless dropped and I…