Tag: Media literacy

  • txt mpruvz ltrac

    Hehehe… that got you eh? TR’s Kate Baggott has another story about how texting and it’s ‘net related relatives are actually improving literacy (in spite of the A and O level English papers that are written in txt – can’t find a link right now… but it may be in the archives, even though New…

  • APA on violent games – post 100

    Ok, this is just a quick link to a story that Canoe ran about what the APA said about violent games. They say that violence in games is having an effect on kids and recommend that children be taught media literacy, that games show consequences for actions and that a rating system should be in…

  • Multiple Literacies

    While I try to work through a bit of writer’s block on a paper that I’m trying to write (and have been trying to for a while), I came across two posts today that are rather interesting when you look at them together. The first is from David Warlick over at 2¢ worth who suggests…