Tag: Just enough technology

  • Good Enough, Near Enough

    Slashdot picked up a PC World bit of sci-fi yesterday and that might very well be the history that we see looking back several years down the road. With money being tight all over and pennies being pinched just about everywhere, I can see the use of Linux and “good enough” hardware being the route…

  • Oh nice… your family has a Grandfather Computer

    Reading this NYT article, it certainly seems that the day will be shortly upon us when one might expect to hear that, desktop PCs, at least in the home will be antiques that a few know how to build and a few more know how to setup. The rest of us will see them as…

  • Dumb, smarter, or just enough technology

    Crunch Gear posted, asking the question – “are we heading into an era of dumb tech”. At first I thought it was another one of these “is Google making us smarter/dumber erer” posts, but it turned out to be a look at the devices that instead of doing everything in one gadget, they are doing…

  • Just enough to re-align

    This is an old, but interesting article, talking about how as often as not, re-jigging is more important than building from scratch.

  • The Convenience Wars

    This post started off as a post about the format wars shifting from physical to digital and then it moved into some looks into why things may not be so clear cut as physical and digital. But then talking about it with my wife (explaining that it is hard right now to think “long thoughts”…