Tag: iSlates

  • Touching

    If you are to believe the hype about touch screens coming out of the CES this year, it looks like the age of the button/key has come to an end. But in talking to the people that I know who are big into txting and big into their toys, like the iPod touch or iPhone,…

  • First iSlate Virus

    It seems that the first “virus” is out for the iPhone (and one would think the iPod touch as well). I don’t think you can really call it a virus as it doesn’t propagate itself and it doesn’t infect without user intervention. But it might certainly be one of those proof of concepts. It is…

  • Welcome 2008

    Happy New Year everyone. I hope things have been good to you in the first part of the year and if you are an avid reader here (the subscription numbers must be telling me I’m doing something right – no?) you can look forward to some observations over the next couple of weeks about how…

  • iSlate-ify your WP Admin

    If you are using WordPress and an iSlate and need to update on the go, you’ll know that the admin interface on the handhelds isn’t really workable. But now, there is wphone, a “slatification” of the admin interface that works pretty good.

  • 9000 Series

    It seems that RIM was trying to get a touch screen device to market by the end of this year, but it looks like we can look forward (GN) to seeing this by the summer of next year. Having used the iPod touch, and the iPhone, the actual keyboard is something that, either because I’m…