Tag: Gender/SEC/Ethnicity

  • Girls game less ’cause they have less time?

    This is something that I didn’t think I’d see come out – a study (Gaming, Gender, and Time: Who Makes Time to Play? Jillian Winn & Carrie Heeter – Sex Roles (2009) 61:1–13 DOI 10.1007/s11199-009-9595-7) that links the lack of time spent gaming with a lack in leisure time. Whoa… I gotta sit down. But…

  • Learning in the Family – Mom Reigns

    I came across a new report funded by BECTA and commissioned by Intuitive Media Research Services. It has some interesting findings, top of which is that kids are turning to Mom at home for tech help (nothing wrong with that). Here are some of the key findings: 92% of children said they used a computer…

  • Girls Vs Boys

    Freakonomics spotted this today, a SciAm article about a paper published in Neuropsychologia (Douglas D. Burmana, Tali Bitanc, James R. Booth, Sex differences in neural processing of language among children, Neuropsychologia, doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.12.021) (PR, Huehueotl, Scientific Blogging, Science Daily)  that throws fuel on the fire for the gender in eduction debate, suggesting that girls learn language…

  • Interweb is Gender Shifting

    It looks like the ‘net is starting to shift its balance to being more female heavy as opposed to male heavy in terms of users. This according to a PEW study that is also discussed here on the Times Online, giving it a bit of a British bend. The back end of the web continues…

  • New Innovate Online

    There are three interesting articles this time around. The first one is from the U of A – Neverwinter Nights in Alberta: Conceptions of Narrativity through Fantasy Role-Playing Games in a Graduate Classroom – It’s nothing that hasn’t already been done with other groups using Scriptese or other scripting languages that can create modules for…