Tag: Games/Gaming

  • Wii Surgery

    It seems that the medical profession is one of the biggest gainers from the Wii and it’s ushering into common place the alternative interface. The Beeb has a story (originally via New Scientist) about how surgeons can improve their fine motor skills using Marble Mania and soon, on simulation that is being developed by a…

  • GH3 Wii Fix

    Well it seems that Activision is coming clean about the mono issue with the Wii version of GH3. In the new year, they will be exchanging mono versions of the game for stereo versions for no cost. We recently became aware that some consumers have not been able to enjoy the full audio output in…

  • Another Gaming Addition Story

    I’ve posted before the results of a study that found that gaming is not clinically addictive, but that not withstanding, I can certainly understand the concept of “game lock” , which is essentially a temporary obsession on a particular game. This can happen with anything. I know that I’ve been “yard locked” as well, while…

  • Wii Hero

    This weekend, my brother picked up Guitar Hero III for the Wii. Much to the confusion of those around me, I don’t have a Wii, and not even a real place to play it, other than at the home/house of every single one of my brothers, from the top to the bottom. So with so…

  • Serious Games

    Escapist has a list of the “10 myths about serious games” and for the most part, I found nothing really new there, except for one comment… Serious games that act more like utilities Games are a teaching utility?? Wha? I would argue that just about anything that one would use to teach a lesson is…