Tag: Conference
What I learned from Twitter this week
Over the last week, EdMedia was taking place in Hawaii and Twitter was able to deliver some of the key ideas, enabling those who couldn’t be there to vicariously participate. One of my tweets wound up on top of the screen during one of the keynotes, quickly garnering some tweetbacks from the conference – it…
Technology Conference Calendar
I remember it was a bear putting together a list of conferences last year for a funding proposal. The year, I think I’ll use this – the THE EdTech conference listing. You can search for events by location as well so if you want to “confrenciday” you can find your destinations much easier.
eLearning Conference Wraps
Last week was busy with the move and everything else, so this is going to be a long post covering the gaming keynote (games are here to stay as gamers are raising gamers, “grafted edu-tainment” sucks), the themes and moods (pondering why people think that advocates of all new ideas give the impression to skeptics…
Cheating online
The second pre-service session is by John Krutsch, Senior Director, Distance Education, Utah Valley State College on academic integrity. Again, this is going to be one of the blog as I go posts. I’m hoping that the other session that I was interested in – how is your faculty PD. I’ve sent Dan over there…