Tag: Cognitive Stuff

  • WILB Tinkering Rock Learning?

    Between Brent Coker and John Seely Brown, it seems to me that there is increasing evidence to support the use of “sprinting” when teaching and or learning. When people tinker, they do so in short sprints – things are adjusted and tested for a short spell, then another problem is addressed before returning to the…

  • WILB goofing off at work help you do more?

    According to this study out of the U of Melbourne. I can’t find the DOI, but I do wonder what this means for all those “time on task” people. Coker, B. L. S. (2009). Freedom to surf: The productive benefits of workplace internet leisure browsing

  • Another look at Google and the brain

    This is an older story, but after looking at how Google rots or rocks the brain, here is another look into what this instant info universe has brought us. Gary Small, a neuroscientist at UCLA in California who specializes in brain function, has found through studies that Internet searching and text messaging has made brains…

  • The Digital Socrate

    The Socratic method uses questions to examine the values, principles, and beliefs of students. The Socratic method focuses on moral education, on how one ought to live. The Socratic method demands a classroom environment characterized by “productive discomfort.” The Socratic method is better used to demonstrate complexity, difficulty, and uncertainty than at eliciting facts about…

  • More on Collective Intelligence

    I wrote that Jenkins mentioned collective intelligence in one of his talks at the start of the month and today, I came across another mention of CI in my RSS. Kevin Kelly wrote about CI in one of his books (Out of Control chpt 2) and has written some more about it now – that…