Picture of the week – Canadian Hands

Canadian Hands

Originally uploaded by idarknight

Well, this is the Canada Day Long Weekend for many of us – and even if people don’t officially have today off, many people are taking it anyway it seems.

I spotted these leaves when I was mowing and pruning/weeding yesterday and it struck me how much like hands they seemed. So I was really happy that when I framed them, they retained that impression (at least to me).

I was planning to shoot them during the brighter part of the day, but between issues with shadows, a partially completed yard and a beat tired photog, I waited until the light was even in the evening.

The downside was that I could not stop down enough to get everything within the DOF as I had originally wanted to do, but then I got experimenting with some angles and DOF, and this 2.8 shot came out best, angled so that the OOF region is at the bottom (buttery bokeh) and focus moves through the “hands”.

This is the first time where I have thought to myself that maybe a Lensbaby might be a fun thing to try – it would make getting shot like this a little easier – I wouldn’t have to be so acrobatic… maybe when I get older.






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