Category: Tech Co.s

  • GoogleDNS vs OpenDNS

    Well this week, we saw things move one step closer toward the day that Google will complete it’s mission of “organizing the world’s information”. GoogleDNS has arrived and regardless if you think 8 is lucky ( or – I think it was luck that those addresses were free at all) or not, someone is…

  • It’s about the apps…

    Many people have been noticing for a while now that the mobile telcos have been promoting the apps that run on their phones as opposed to the OS, or even the specific device. I have no doubt, this was inspired by Apple, and the App Store, but it seems to have spread rather handily to…

  • My take on Google Wave

    So, everyone out there who has picked up an invite has been posting their reflections on Wave and so this will be one more voice to add. My quick take on this service is that it is a very powerful bulletin board. People involved share a common document and can attach elements just like a…

  • Project Natal

    I know I’m late blogging about this, but I’ve been busy looking at Wave and trying to find out as much as I can about Natal. The end result on both is that there is surprisingly little, but the promises are considerable. I’ve signed up for my Wave account and I’m seeing that some people…

  • Waving farewell to silos – or are we?

    Google’s Wave is supposed to be the answer to “what would email look like if it were invented today”, but the more I hear and read about it, I think that it might be more “what would interactions on the web be like if they were all invented today”? With the understanding that the ideas…