Category: Asides
Where is the simulacra?
What is and what isn’t reality? That’s a question that is not new at all. Stories have taken people off to “other places” since the very first time they were told. Until recently, the tools and the generation of the narratives have all been in the hands of human actors. But that is going to…
Truth and Perspective – Laughing to the other side
I was listening to the October 27th Startalk Daily as Neil deGrasse Tyson talks to Bill Maher. During the interview, cut together with other conversations, Maher brings up some interesting points that I’m sure we have all heard in some manner before. The first is truth. The second is laughter. Looking at the second point first, there…
All hail the Buckycord!
I’ve mentioned before that I don’t really like the “e” or the “digital” that gets tagged on an older technology to define it as “new” – especially when that “new” is now over a decade old. It seems that Bucky Kat has picked up on this and has come up with the next modifier, but…
Twitter Updates for the week ending 2009-08-25
My tweets:
Twitter Updates for the week ending 2009-08-18
My updates for the week: