Flickr Tracking Cameras

If you go here, you can see which cameras are most popular with Flickr users. There are three categories – SLR (lead by the Rebel), P&S (dominated by Canon, but decreasing in overall percentage) and Camera phones (with the SE K800i as king, and overall percentage increasing).

At first I thought, this is cool, more people are going SLR (but then I noticed the other charts) and then it hit me, even though this is just showing a percentage of members using that class of device, it seems to me that the P&S market, like PDAs before them are likely to fall by the wayside to camera phones because of their ubiquity sooner rather than later. I’ve seen the prints from the SE K790 that a friend has and they are amazing (proving that it’s not always the hardware that is important). At my farewell, a friend was commenting that the best picture that was taken at a recent wedding he was at was one with a camera phone because it “was there” – following one of the two basic rules of photography – F8 and be there.





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