Picture of the Week – Party Animal

Party Animal

Originally uploaded by idarknight

This was certainly one of the stranger displays at the Festival of Trees this year, and I didn’t think I’d be able to frame it in such a way as to tell a story. But I think I got. It’s supposed to be an ostrich in full ball regalia and if you look at the whole statuette, it actually looks rather odd. But like this, it could be a mask that is waiting for someone to pick up and wear to the ball. Of course, if you have the inclination to wear masks to balls, you might have an ostrich stand to put things on while you get ready.

Outside of the story, I really like the colors and the contrast in this shot. The bokeh is pretty good as well. Shooting low light makes me long for a full frame body so I can get that bokeh with much less distance, but one has to make do with the tools in hand.

Finally, Apple has released the update to the OSX Camera Raw that Aperture and iPhoto use and the 7D is now supported. If Santa is reading this, check the list, I think I’ve been a good boy this year 🙂





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