The end of traditonal exams in sight

Well at least according to Simon Lebus, chief executive of Cambridge Assessment talking to The Gaurdian. It’s nice to see someone in a big think tank like that saying this, but the time line that he is talking about is 10-15 years! While that seems like a long time sitting here, that is about the time it will take for the current generation of young teachers who are used to doing things online to get into lower and middle admin positions and for those who are now in low/mid admin to get into the higher positions to make these changes. It is also likely the time it will take for a significant number of tech (nee screen based)/online assessment savy/friendly teachers/instructors to return to teaching young teachers and start generating completely “digital resident” teachers to go into the schools. Importantly, 10-15 years is also likely the timeline where parents who are wanting/pushing/comfortable with this type of assessment will have children in educational contexts that would have had the “archaic 3h exam” but might have screen based exams.

Of course we were supposed to have flying cars and all sorts of other technologies by now. But I hope this prediction comes true and does so further afield than in just the UK.






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