10 points for leaders

Cutting through much of what I’ve seen in the course that I’m taking, I’ve reduced it down to these few points:

  1. Goals – Keep them clear, simple and communicated. Try to have one more always on the horizon as you track progress on the ones that you have completed. Involve your entire team in tracking the goals of the team and possible of others in addition to their own
  2. Motivate – Reward the small victories as well as the small ones, understand what energizes your team and guide feedback and rewards along those lines. Set milestones that people will grow into and set them just farther than they think that they can reach. Make achieving milestones a point of pride.
  3. Delegate – As leader, your job is the big picture, take care of that, give responsibility for smaller tasks or projects to others on your team. You are effectively cultivating your replacement. Be sure that people on your team can speak up to fulfill their responsibilities and work to their strenghts
  4. Be authentic – Walk the walk, talk the talk. Leaders model for their teams. If someone isn’t on the ball, see if you haven’t dropped it first. Be honest with your team as to what you can do and what you need them for.
  5. Don’t stop – When looking at the big picture, don’t stop looking for challenges for yourself or your team. Try to stay current with what got you to where you are.
  6. Don’t take yourself too seriously, remember to have fun, make this part of your team culture.
  7. Create process – If there are paths to follow, the team can follow them much easier, helping everyone.
  8. Understand change – It’s double sided – good and bad, but inevitable. Don’t be afraid to take risks, and remember that a small shakeup now and again is good for everyone
  9. Understand failure – Not hitting a target might allow us to try again, if you understand this, you and your team can take more chances, understand risks and grow.
  10. Fight the good fight – Fight for your team when it comes for resources and recognition – they are the giants on which leaders stand and are rewarded, remember that. Pick your battles wisely and be sure they align with the points above.

Remember, leaders can lead groups from one to one million. Teacher, parents, friends are all leaders in some manner. Leaders stand in front, take the slings and arrows and choose the direction for others to follow. Not everyone can lead, not everyone can follow and at any given time, everyone is leading and following someone.





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