Is this how we get people to love learning?

It’s back to school for most people this week and between all the stories of what has been done to limit the students ability to really be themselves. In some schools, there are dress codes that limit or eliminate hoodies, backbacks and cargo pants – because of security – cell phones – god only knows why… the students might collaborate – and they are taught curriculum that is certainly at least a generation old all through K-12 and then they hit the university environment and there are no restrictions (yet) on what they can wear and likely allow any amount of phone use, but not for class.

One level denies students from being part of the world around them – how are we to train them for tomorrow if they are not even allowed to use the tools of today – and wear clothing that is conservative, but could be concealing dangerous items. The next allows them to use to tools of today, but makes no attempt to make use of it.

With such a separation between the nature of the learning environment, the content of the curriculum, the way that curriculum is delivered and the “real world” is it any wonder that now with a less homogeneous culture that we are seeing that our Victorian era ideas of schooling are failing? Those of us who have done well, truly have in spite of the system, not because of it. Each successful individual has had to go beyond what was given them to make themselves stand out. I don’t think this would be any different if the educational system that we had today was more authentic and adaptable to the needs of society – the standouts would still be there and go the extra mile – but what would be different is what happens with the lower section of the class – the bright kids that just can’t think in a straight line – those that learn with their hands (I’ve got an image of the Happy Feet gang in my head) or feet?

If we continue with this method of teaching, I think we will end up with a class system based on the teaching styles that students were exposed to. Those students who were exposed to instructors that did more than shovel the textbook into the heads of the students will come out ahead, those who had teachers that were able to recognize learning styles and adapt will come out that much better.

Learning is something that is universal – we can all learn and we all have a passion about something (well if we are “normal”), it’s natural – why are we trying so hard to make it artificial?







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